Where in the world is Chris?

Monday, June 16, 2008


All the prep, all the planning, all the training, all the driving and all the nerves. It's all done. I'll be off shortly this morning. Marni will be wearing this until I return. Viva la Mexico!

Good luck to all my TD friends, GDR friends and just plain awesome friends. Have a great few weeks while I'm gone. Ride your bikes, eh hosers?


joel.white said...

Go Chris Go!

And be safe in all your travels. Will be watching very intently.

Anonymous said...

He's off!! save travels Pivvay

trio said...

Will be watching your progress with interest, sounds like an amazing challenge!

mindful mule said...

Ride On!

Todd Plesko said...

Gosh Marnie:

I am going to spend the next three weeks just watching these little dots of my son riding alone. I might need to ask for a leave of absence from work.
